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Doctor and Patient

Featured Publication

iDentifying and addressing stress, anxiety and depression in the Allergist's office

 Selected Publications


Under Review
  • Helfer, S. G., Colagiuri, B., Faasse, K., Clemens, K. S., Caplandies, F. C., & Geers, A. L. (under review). The influence of message framing instructions on nocebo headaches in an experimental paradigm.


  • Moore, K. E., Clemens, K. S., Gratz, K. L., & Tull, M. T. (under review). Treatment-relevant factors among adults receiving court-mandated substance use treatment: The role of emotion dysregulation. 

In Preparation
  • Clemens, K. S., Bennekamper, M. A., Jason, E. K., & Geers, A. L. (in preparation). Expectation and affect as determinants of open-label expectations and approach responses.

  • Sieg, M., Clemens, K. S., Vase, L., Geers, A. L., & Colloca, L. (in preparation). Perceptions of nocebo effects.

  • Clemens, K. S. & Geers A. L., (in preparation). Treatment expectancies: A review.

  • Clemens, K. S., Jason, E. K., & Geers, A. L. (in preparation). The influence of social media exposure on COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

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